Family Connections of Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury, Newburyport, West Newbury, Groveland, Merrimac, Amesbury & Haverhill is a Massachusetts Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) program serving families with children from birth through school age.
We provide access to comprehensive services, child development information and educational opportunities to support you in your role as your child's first teacher.
Family Connections is funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant awarded to the Triton Regional School District by the Department of Early Education and Care.
Family Connections Offers
Free programming for all families
Information about local education resources including public schools
Opportunities to connect with other families from your community
Information about and referrals to local services such as early intervention and early childhood special education services when needed
Participation in completing the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to help you better support your child's education development
Access to information to support your child's healthy development
The opportunity to participate in play groups with other families
Family Connections CFCE is a community resource that is available to all early childhood programs, providers and educators. One of our goals is to assist childcare programs with accessing information/resources/services for their program, teachers, or for the families they serve. These services are funded through the Department of Early Education and Care’s Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant. We strive to be be the place to call when a program is in need!